Support for File Buddy The best way to obtain support for File Buddy is via e-mail to my CompuServe address: 76150,1027 for CompuServe members, and for those accessing through the Internet. You may wish to check out: Web: FTP: Please try standard Internet sites or on-line services to obtain the latest versions of File Buddy, RegisterFB, or FindFile Chooser before downloading from my site, as there are limitations to the amount that can be downloaded from mine. But if you can’t find them anywhere else, that’s why I put them on mine. If you can’t send e-mail, you may write to me at: Laurence Harris 17 Old University Station Rd Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1572 For really urgent questions, you can try calling me at (919)933-9595, but be warned: 1) I’m hard to get. Try late in the evening (up to midnight), EST. 2) I am reluctant to make long-distance calls in response to messages from people I don’t know and haven’t explain why they want me to call. 3) I don’t make long-distance calls to verify my address or the current fee for File Buddy. Please understand that I have adopted these policies as a matter of necessity. I simply don’t have the time and money to play phone tag all over the world. If the version of File Buddy you wish to register is less than a year old, the address above will work.